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Methodology for viewing Omnipresent Artwork

1. Position yourself in a peaceful environment with an open mind. Turn off your phone and/or any other distracting devices.
2. Start by viewing something intricate from nature. Natural scenery includes many types of textures which always have intricate irregular outlines as opposed to perpendicular outlines.  You can view nature in person or in a photograph. If you choose a photograph make sure it has high resolution.
3. Carefully examine the texture closely paying attention to the shapes, structures, outlines, and patterns within the scenery. 

4. Human-like beings are common portraits. You will begin to see an eye or pair of eyes attached to a head. Closely examine to see if the head is attached to a body. A head might be the only thing shown of that particular being. Beings express non-verbal gestures like a discernible facial expression, body language, or hand gesture. You might also find a symbol, shape, object, or place. The images could be viewed in the empty spaces between other images. Example: The branches and leaves of a tree will have images and the spaces in between those branches and leaves will have different images.    
5. Carefully discern other images within the same natural landscape. If viewing an online photograph zoom in to discern a new group of images. Flip the entire photograph upside down or sideways to view more images. It could be viewed from any angle or distance.
6. Try to discern Omnipresent Artwork in other sources. It can be perceived in most matter from the quantum level like certain plant cells under a microscope to the macro scale like nebulae.

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