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Methodology for feeling Divine Corporeal Sensations

1. Position yourself in a peaceful environment with an open mind. Turn off your phone and/or any other distracting devices.
2. Continue to focus intently on your entire body. Be conscious of both physical sensations and of your own consciousness simultaneously. Pay close attention to very faint and brief sensations. You will notice a quick subtle pressure sensation somewhere on your body. Itchiness is less subtle but functions a similar way. Muscle twitching and brief sharp pains are less common sensations. Determine why The Gods chose that part of your body at this time. Is it a general signal, for symbolic purposes, or something literal about that body part? Determine what it means.
3. When felt at several areas of your body together in a rapid successive fashion, the combined symbolic meaning forms an elaborate cohesive message. The successive order of sensations determines the sequence of the message.

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