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Divine Corporeal Sensations

         When focusing intently on your body exclusively, you may feel subtle quick sensations at specific locations. The sensations you feel are meaningful reactions from The Gods. The placements of the sensations can be felt anywhere on your body.
         A lot of the time, the sensations are general signals. The signals are The Gods conveying approval, acknowledgement, agreement, or the like. Other times, sensations are placed by The Gods at certain areas of your body to represent a message. The message is usually determined by the symbolic meaning for each body part chosen. Body parts are not always chosen for symbolic purposes. The Gods might be bringing to light something else about the chosen body part. The meaning could potentially be something literal. When felt at several areas of your body together in a rapid successive fashion, the combined meaning forms an elaborate cohesive message. The successive order of sensations felt determines the sequence of the message.
         Divine Corporeal Sensations function as instant signals directly from The Gods. The signals are usually dependent on your consciousness. Your mind is in correlation with these signals. As ideas are conveyed inwardly, sensations will be felt concurrently. The sensations are The God's instantaneous responses to your present consciousness. The perpetual responses will serve as an aid to spiritual growth.


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